The Parts, Working Principle & Uses of Bartack Sewing Machine

Bartack Sewing Machine

Las partes, el principio de funcionamiento y los usos de la máquina de coser Bartack Nombre del Experimento: Estudio sobre la máquina de coser Bartack y muestra de productos. Introducción: Hay muchos tipos de máquinas de coser. Algunas se utilizan para fines especiales, como presillas, máquinas para colocar ojales, máquinas para hacer ojales, etc. Este […]

How to producing a Baseball cap?

The Manufacturing Process of baseball-cap

How To Manufacturing A Baseball Cap? Background of Baseball Cap Baseball caps are a comfortable cap that has a soft , breathable crown that is made from several pieces of fabric and a visor to shield the eyes from sun. Certain caps made to order are designed to fit wearers in certain sizes, however, the majority of […]

Baseball cap manufacturing process

Baseball cap manufacturing process

Baseball Cap Manufacturing Process Introduction The process of manufacturing a baseball cap starts with cutting the fabric, stiching it, embellishing it and then steaming. Components of a baseball cap A baseball cap is made up of: Crown and visor. The crown is the top part of a hat and it’s what you see when you […]